New From Cover FX: Conceal FX Camouflage Concealer and Mint Glaze FX Moisturizing Lip Treat-Mint Primer

Check out these not-to-miss new products from my “Master of Disguise”: Cover FX.



According to the press release accompanying Cover FX‘s Conceal FX Camouflage Concealer, this product’s formula is potent enough to cover any unwanted blemishes, dark under-eye circles, sun spots, red patches or even — get this — birthmarks and tattoos. But can we really believe the hype? Well, I did my Nancy Drew best to solve the mystery.

I started out by testing the concealer around my eyes (every woman’s problem area), and I found that it did, in fact, cover the crater-sized circles (sleep deprivation is quite the destructive force). Initially, the concealer looked so watery, I doubted it would have much of an effect at all. But a pea-sized amount more than sufficed, and it went on so light that it blended into the skin easily (so I didn’t have to worry about having a Mask-of-Zorro-esque strip around my eyes).

Still, I was skeptical about the more audacious claims. Camouflaging a blemish is one thing, but covering up a colorful tattoo? That’s quite a feat. So I went into Defcon 4 mode and decided I’d put the Conceal FX to my very own “disguise a tattoo” challenge. Now, below, you’ll find a photo depicting the butterfly tattoo on my left wrist (and yes, it’s a real tattoo — even though it somehow manages to look like one of those temporary tats at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box). The photo below it shows my wrist with one smooth coat of Conceal FX while the photo below that shows the wrist after two coats. As you can see from the photos, this multi-purpose concealer does go a long way in terms of minimizing the appearance of the tattoo. I couldn’t quite get the concealer to fully cover the tat, but I was still impressed at how much it did manage to disguise.

Tattoo (Untouched):


After one coat of Conceal FX:


After two coats of Conceal FX:



Pretty impressive, right?

The Conceal FX is available in six shades, ranging from X-Light to X-Deep (I’m wearing the Light shade in the pics above).

Cover FX Conceal FX Camouflage Concealer, $25. Available at Sephora stores, and select Nordstrom stores.





Now, onto the next goodie from Cover FX, the Mint Glaze FX Fortifying Lip Treat-Mint Primer. I happened to try this product after a particularly painful visit to the dentist in which my lips were scraped, poked at and ripped by a really brash dental assistant. My lips looked like I had been in the ring with Rocky Balboa, and I was beyond self-conscious about it (not to mention how painful it was). So I decided to give the Mint Glaze FX a whirl — and I loved it.

This lip moisturizer includes peptides and hyaluronic acid that stimulate collagen synthesis, restoring elasticity to the lips for a more youthful pout, as well as nourishing vitamins and soothing, cooling peppermint oil (which feels like heaven on tender lips). The clear gloss has a bit of a sheen to it, so you can wear it by itself for a natural look or, alternatively, you can apply it as a primer so you have a smooth and soft surface before putting on lipstick.

My only reservation regarding Mint FX is that it has more of a sticky, lipgloss-like texture than that of a lip balm, which can make it a bit uncomfortable to wear by itself when your lips are in dire straits. But if your lips are pretty healthy and you want a nice boost of hydration (not to mention SPF protection), this is an investment worth making.

Cover FX Mint Glaze FX Fortifying Lip Treat-Mint Primer, $22. Available at Sephora stores,,and select Nordstrom stores.
