My Style Picks of the Week!
As many of you know, I recently became one of the resident style bloggers for, a leading online retailer specializing in fashion and jewelry designers hailing from Latin America. As part of this exciting partnership, I will have a weekly column on, which I hope you’ll be reading regularly. To give you guys a taste of the amazing merchandise you can find at Flechada, not to mention a sneak peek at the type of content you can enjoy on a weekly basis, I wanted to share this week’s blog post which is, in essence, a round-up of my favorite products currently available. Most weeks, my posts will be exclusive to so this is just a taste of what’s to come, but hopefully it will keep you going back there for more!
Here’s the piece for you lovely readers!
Celia San Miguel’s My Flechada Picks
One’s personal style is far from static — in fact, it’s constantly in flux, enduring troubled periods of adolescent-like rebellion and gloriously triumphant stints of assured confidence, morphing and evolving as we experiment with new ideas and explore unforeseen possibilities, maturing en tandem with our shifting priorities, goals, and perspectives. If fashion is a means for self-expression, then, it’s prone to reflect our own travails, thereby evolving as we do. Using this metaphor of the endless style safari, I’ve picked some amazing pieces available at, all of which convey the earthy, gypsy-esque quality of the fashions I’ve been favoring lately. Let the journey begin!
N. Regnier One-of-a-Kind and Eco-friendly Fuchsia Raflessia Ring, $278 at
Rather than a lucite or resin bubble, this jaunty cocktail ring features a spherical shape made out of eco-friendly, raffia-esque fibers native to the Choco region of Colombia and is adorned with an 0.8 ct.emerald stone.

The watercolor feel of this handwoven and hand-painted envelope-shaped clutch will make you think of tranquil beaches along the Caribbean, of French Impressionist paintings, and of the colorful plumage of exotic tropical birds.
Sea Salt Multicolored Beads Collar, $160 at
There’s something magical about collar necklaces, which sit right at the base of the neck, grazing the collarbones and radiating like sunbursts along the decolletage. Made in Colombia, this Sea Salt number is all the more enchanting since it features row after row of beads arranged to create perfectly symmetrical spiky lines that prioritize the triangle shapes so entrenched into the Latin American tribal visual lexicon.
Turmalina & Durando Exclusive Handmade Hindu Bracelet, $276 at
Pointed dome shapes protrude from the top and bottom ridges of this bracelet’s center, each featuring precise cut-outs that mirror the classic look of Arabesque windows along the Middle East. The hammered look of the 18k gold-plated bracelet, along with the marquise-style mother-of-pearl stone at the center, complete the Bollywood-worthy effect.
For more of my style picks, visit!