Tips To Help You Transition From Summer To Fall — As Seen On CBS Austin
Shout it from the rooftops, friends: fall is, in fact, coming!
Shout it from the rooftops, friends: fall is, in fact, coming!
Back-to-school sales may be starting to pop up, but the fact is that summer is still in full swing — not that anyone here in Austin needs a reminder given the scorching heat we’re all experiencing!
Guess who visited Seattle yesterday?
While the sky-high temperatures here in Austin have made it feel like we’ve been experiencing summer since early May, in actuality, the season has only just begun!
Want to make all the Papa Bears in your life feel loved and appreciated this Father’s Day?
Mom may not wear a cape (at least not on a daily basis!), but there’s no denying that she’s a superhero.
In honor of September being National Self-Care Awareness Month, I made a virtual visit to my friends at CBS Austin’s “We Are Austin” to chat about some easy ways in which we can all practice self-care (you can view the segment above or by clicking here).
Yesterday was National Relaxation Day so, to keep the chill energy going strong as we head into this week, I decided to offer some ideas on simple ways in which we can add some stress relief —and a bit of tranquility— into our daily lives.
Want to pack as many fun-filled activities into the summer as humanly possible?
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Black Widow may be superheroes in the DC Comics and Marvel universes, but IRL it’s our moms who are the true fearless heroines.