Holiday Gift Guide Part 2 — Glitzy and Posh Finds for Glamour-Loving Gals

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Christmas is coming!
The true mark of an artist is often the ability to find the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary, the magnificent in the mundane.
Several months ago, I realized I did not own a single pair of stud earrings — a discovery that both baffled and amused me.
Ever marveled at the three-dimensional holograms displayed in films like Star Wars and Iron Man? Have you speculated about how the Enterprise’s transporter in Star Trek managed to convert people into energy patterns, then beamed them to different locations?
Yesterday was a crazy day, one filled with deadlines, press appointments, and parenting obligations.
News flash: few celebrities actually have an innate sense of style.
This season, give your wardrobe a kick and a push, then coast happily into the realm of modern, streetwise, easygoing style with a slouchy beanie hat.
As soon as I saw the name of the latest Kendra Scott jewelry collection, Florence + The Machine’s “Cosmic Love” popped in my head, followed by a medley of tenuously galaxy-themed tunes: Elton John’s “Rocket Man,” David Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” Radiohead’s “Black Star” and so forth.
I’ve never been a huge fan of Halloween — first, there’s the fact that I’m a scaredy cat (for me, watching a horror movie is akin to water torture); second, I always dread the slew of pranks that occur on Halloween evening (lawns being covered with toilet paper, cars and houses coated with smashed eggs, the firecrackers shoved into people’s mailboxes and so forth); and I really take issue with the number of absolutely scandalous costumes worn by tween and teen girls (the sexy kitty and sexy bunny ensembles have gotten out of control and now, of course, there’s the Miley- Cyrus- at-the-VMAs costumes that are soaring in popularity this year).