Prepare To Fall For These Autumn Essentials (As Seen On CBS Austin)

After weeks of withstanding July-worthy temperatures in October, Austinites are finally getting to enjoy some crisp fall weather!
After weeks of withstanding July-worthy temperatures in October, Austinites are finally getting to enjoy some crisp fall weather!
The kiddos are headed back to school so, to make sure you get an A+ in preparation, I stopped by CBS Austin’s “We Are Austin” with everything from hair styling saviors to stylish kicks and glasses, educational tools for at-home learning, and wholesome snacks for those lunchboxes.
April is Earth Month, so it’s the perfect time to reassess our lifestyles and figure out small and easy ways in which we can live more sustainably.
Few things bring me as much joy as celebrating other women’s successes — and what better time to do so than during Women’s History Month?
Check out my favorite finds to help you update your wardrobe, streamline your skincare and makeup routines, protect your hair from intensifying UV rays, and more!
Well, we finally got our first true cold front last night, so today was the perfect time to break out the cozy sweaters and sip on a warm latte!
Shout it from the rooftops, friends: fall is, in fact, coming!
Guess who visited Seattle yesterday?
Mom may not wear a cape (at least not on a daily basis!), but there’s no denying that she’s a superhero.