category: Home & Living »

Tell Mama — Check Out Our Mother’s Day 2013 Gift Guide!


Sure, she nagged you about eating your vegetables, reminded you incessantly that she was neither a maid nor a short order chef, and monitored your every utterance in case a curse word slipped out, but she also cooked you chicken soup when you had a cold, kissed every scraped knee and tiny boo-boo, read your favorite bedtime story so many times she could recite it from memory, stitched up your favorite stuffed animal for the 100th time, cut the crust off your sandwich, drove you to ballet or baseball practice at obscenely early hours, and displayed every excellent report card or sports team trophy with the pride others would reserve for Nobel Peace Prizes.


Things That Go Bloom — White Barn Scented Candle in Honeysuckle


Springtime: that magical season when blades of grass break through soil once covered by snow, when perky birds begin to perch on once barren tree branches, when the sweet fragrance and vibrant hues of newly blossomed flower petals lifts our collective spirits and blesses us with a renewed sense of optimism.


Who You Callin’ an Egghead? Check Out the Limited Edition Vipp x Colette x Darcel Set


Talk about one man’s trash being another man’s treasure.


Sipping Hot, Hot, Hot — Introducing New bobble hot


Forget Earth Day — it’s been Earth Week over at the Sicka Than Average headquarters!


Break the Wall of Sound with these Sol Republic x Tokidoki Headphones


For centuries, music and visual art have been inextricably linked — some of the most well-renowned operas are as memorable because of their lavish, intricate, grandiose set designs as they are their arias (think of Aida, for instance, which is set in ancient Egypt, or La Boheme, which brings to life the streets of 19th century Paris); graffiti and MC’ing stand side-by-side as two  of the four elements of hip hop; and the cinematic quality  of music videos like Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” Björk’s “All Is Full Of Love,” and Madonna’s “Express Yourself” has made the images seen in these clips as memorable as the beats and lyrics of the accompanying songs.


Check Out My Valentine’s Day Suggestions On Telemundo’s “Hombre de Hoy”

Happy Valentine’s Day, dolls!


The Heart Will Go On — Behold Part 3 of our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide!

Dress your sweetheart up in your love for Valentine’s Day — whether the recipient of this affection  (and, as a result, these gifts) is a friend, colleague, daughter, or even yourself.


What the Heart Wants — Check out Part 2 of our Valentine’s Gift Guide!

Yesterday, we kicked off our Valentine’s Day coverage and, today, we’re keeping the momentum going as we move closer and closer to February.


Where the Heart Is — Check out Part 1 of our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide!

While your love might not cost a thing  (to paraphrase J.Lo), every girl enjoys a token of affection from time to time — however humble or extravagant it might be.


Last-Minute Holiday Gifts for Boys Big and Small

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been bringing you a plethora of  gift ideas inspired by thriving cities around the world — and yet, we’ve focused predominantly on goodies for the ladies, so we thought it was only fair to show the fellas some love with a gift guide installment dedicated exclusively to them.