Be An Amazon Woman With Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Minimizing Collection


I love the idea that some of the most powerful, skin nourishing substances in the universe can be found in nature — whether it’s inside the fibers of lush berries, the plants at the bottom of an ocean, or within the soil in a particular region. I’m not saying I’m one of those people who eschews Western cosmeceutical discoveries, nor am I as quick as others to jump on the bandwagon when a new “superfruit” is heralded, but I do recognize the healing, soothing and brightening properties of a plethora of natural fruit and plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals. And, as a leading apothecary known for its effective products, I admit I’m always excited to hear what new substance the Kiehl’s gang is employing. This season, Kiehl’s found inspiration in the Southern hemisphere — specifically, at the basin of Brazil’s Amazon River on Marajo Island. It was in this tropical location that they “discovered” Amazonian White Clay, the ingredient that served as the building block for its new Rare Earth Pore Minimizing Collection.

Deposits of the sediment can be found at the mouth of the Amazon River, and result from rocks being  mineralized and micronized into clay particles by the waterway’s constant movement and then transported down the river to their final destination, where they accumulate and dry under the sun. Amazonian White Clay is said to remove toxins and slough away dead skin layers so as to open up pores and purify the skin. This range of products, then, is aimed at minimizing the appearance of pores by facilitating the skin detoxification process. The products include the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser, the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Minimizing Lotion, and the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.

I tried out two of the products — the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque and the Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser — so, of course, I want to share my experience with you. I really enjoyed the mask — it feels refreshingly cool against the skin, and it dries relatively quickly (within 10 minutes, the entire mask should be dry), plus it leaves your complexion looking brighter (I actually did detect a bit more glow after washing off the mask). That being said, keep in mind that these purifying products will, in the short term, lure out some of the yucky grime and oil clogging up your pores, which can mean some outbreaks. But don’t freak out and head for the hills if you do see some blemishes — it’s just a temporary and minute price to pay in the name of flushing out those pores.

I’m less enthusiastic about the cleanser. The texture takes some getting used to (it literally feels like thick, clumpy clay on your palms, only softening as you add a bit of water and work into a creamier paste), but that’s more than feasible. My reservations have more to do with the crushed Diatomaceous Earth particles in the formula, which are meant to exfoliate the skin, but which can also feel a bit abrasive and coarse against the skin — particularly if you have dry or sensitive skin. My skin is on the sensitive side, and I did find that there was a bit of redness after cleansing with this product (particularly around my T-Zone), but  it didn’t cause too much concern since the irritation was minimal and cleared up within a half hour or so (perhaps due to the aloe vea in the formula, which soothes the skin). And, on the plus side, I did notice that the cleanser kept oiliness at bay for most of the day, thanks to the incorporation of oat kernel flour.  My dilemma, then, had to do with the difference between what I was seeing and what I was sensing.  While my skin looked healthy and clean after using this product, I still felt as if there was this filmy coating on my face, which was a bit unnerving. Go figure.

I do think my experience has a lot to do with the fact that, while it doesn’t overtly cater to any specific skin type, this collection seems to mainly address the gripes of those with oilier skin. If you fall on the opposite end of the spectrum, like me, then you may not be as overjoyed with the line. Otherwise, get ready for an Amazonian adventure.

Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser, $22.50; Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, $20.50; Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Minimizing Lotion, $28; and Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque, $22.50. Visit
