Forget-Me-Nots That Double As Jewelry? Discover Up To You Toronto’s Reminder Rings
Do you often find the daily hustle so overwhelming that you actually contemplate tattooing notes on your body a la Leonard Shelby (rent Memento if the reference eludes you)? Are you constantly scribbling reminders on scraps of paper, pressing sticky notes on the fridge door, creating new to-do lists on your cell phone, or penning phone numbers and address on your hand like you did back in junior high? With so much stimuli attacking our brains simultaneous, our generation seems to have developed a collective form of social-media induced ADD — which is particularly troubling for those free-spirited types (like myself) whose forgetfulness practically seems indicative of premature Alzheimer’s. My spectrum of memory lapses range from minor offenses (forgetting to take vitamins, return DVDs, stop by the supermarket, or mail out letters) to more troublesome fare (I’m notorious for my inability to remember friends’ birthdays or even my own anniversaries).
As a wink-wink to my fellow space cadets, Up To You Toronto has released these 5-piece sets of bright silicon rings ($19 per set at, each inscribed with a reminder. The stretchable bands can be worn on any finger (and even stacked atop one another), with each featuring one of the following messages: “Buy Gift,” “Call Mum,” “Pay Bills,” “Take Pills,” or “Return Book.” The bright sky blue, punchy lilac, cherry gelato red, retro mint green, and tangerine orange colors will perk up your fingers just in time for spring while, ideally, helping you remember some of the tasks that might otherwise slip through the tracks.
Of course, someone like me would need another 30 rings with inscriptions like “Pick Up Dry Cleaning,” “Take Garbage Out,” “Renew Passport,” “Schedule Dentist Appointment,” “Check Your Voicemail,” and “Buy Toilet Paper and Toothpaste.” But hey, these are a start!